The Australian Professional Photography Awards are coming up, which means our students are now preparing their state award-winning images for the national competition.
One such student is Anthony Mayze who studies the Advanced Diploma of Photography. Now with an incredible achievement of three silver awards, Anthony sat down to have a quick chat about his journey so far at PSC.
Where did your interest in photography start?
I joined studio arts in high-school which led me to focus on seascape photography as well as some astrophotography and I grew my love from there.
Back when you started at PSC, did you have an idea of what sort of photographer you wanted to become?
I had no idea where I wanted my photography to lead me, but always thought that I would alway choose a commercial path.
What is the most beneficial thing you have learned up to this point?
The most beneficial lesson in life is; what ever you put in, you get out, so always try your hardest. Photographic-wise would have to be learning to project emotions and personality into my work.
What has been your most challenging moment at PSC so far?
My most challenging moment at PSC would have to be the folios; having a short time to execute everything and then to present it was rather difficult but I have always managed to prevail!
What about your most rewarding moment so far?
My most rewarding moment would have to be when I won a silver award in the VIPPY awards.
How has your style changed? Have you noticed anything different? Your aesthetic? Way of thinking? Approach?
I have noticed that I am putting more consciousness behind my images in terms of looking out for distractions, as well as looking at ways to put my own twist on images. I have also realised that I love simplicity in my work.
So far, what body of work are you most proud of?
My trimester 4 folio on personal experiences with stress, frustration and sadness.
What are you
working on now?
I'm about to start working on building from my 'Stress, Frustration and Sadness' concept with editorial fashion techniques.
What do you do when you're not taking photos?
When I'm not taking photos I'm either working, spending too much money with friends or watching Netflix.
Where do you find your motivation?
I find my motivation everywhere, whether it be a film or in life I can always find ways that sparks my imagination.
What or who inspires you?
Two major inspirations in the photographic world are
Annie Leibovitz and
Gregory Crewdson, their work is amazing. Another huge inspiration is my Nan who always wished for me to hold on to my dreams until I have achieved them
What is your dream job?
Ever since starting my journey in photography, my dream shoot has always been to recreate scenes from Beauty and the Beast with a Gregory Crewdson style.
To stay up-to-date with Anthonys work,
follow him on Instagram!