PSC Blog

Just a few current exhibitions around Melbourne

Written by Peter | 27 April 2011 3:44:19 AM

Monash Gallery of Art

Age of Aquarius: the photography of Paul Cox

Paul Cox is an award-winning Australian film director and photographer.

7 April to 19 June 2011


Time Machine: Sue Ford

Sue Ford was one of Australia’s most important photographers and filmmakers. Her Time series (1960s-70s) is one of the key moments in late modernist Australian photography. Ford passed away in late 2009, before her death she was working with MGA on an exhibition of her work which would include photographs of women from 1960s-70s and her Time series. The highlight of the exhibition is Ford’s as yet unexhibited long-term project, Self-portrait with camera, an extraordinary series of 47 self-portraits taken between 1960 and 2006.

7 April to 19 June 2011

Craft Victoria

Kate Just: Unearthed

Unearthed continues Kate Just’s sculptural explorations of historical, personal and iconographic objects relating to women’s bodily and cultural history.

29 April - 11 June 2011


Dangling Carrots - Michelle Hamer with Cat Wilson (projections)

Dangling Carrots is Michelle Hamer’s 10th solo show. Her work employs hand-stitched tapestry to explore signage and contemporary edicts. Dangling Carrots explicitly questions the contemporary relevance of the ‘suburban dream’ in a post GFC climate. How do we reconcile edges and endless sprawl with environmental ideals of greater density? Do our dreams have limits or is that just reality?

29 April – 11 June 2011


Tacit Contemporary Art

'Pixel' by T.J.Bateson

T.J.Bateson’s latest solo exhibition is a celebration and reflection of his current obsession with beauty within a digital pixelated world. His work continues to be fuelled by the discourse between the digital and a modernist attraction to fluid media. Pixel represents a union of digital and traditional aesthetics in the celebration of the digital pixel in paint.

27 April - 21 May 2011


Centre for Contemporary Photography

2011 Kodak Salon

In this exhibition you see PSC final year student Esther Ling’s award winning image KATA MOST ADVENTUROUS ARTWORK: "I could feel them watching me, the CIA I mean" 2010

April 15 — 4 June 2011


Bus Projects

Elizabeth van Herwaarden: Sentinel Island Project

“In January 2011, I spent 7 days on an uninhabited Island in Bass Strait. On this 25 acres of rocks, tussocks and herbs, one small hut and a water tank, I set about documenting the flora of Sentinel Island…”

19 April - 6 May 2011