PSC Blog

Final Year PSC Time lapse / Stop Motion Assignment

Written by Peter | 8 September 2011 3:59:47 AM

As part of the 'New Media Subject' students recently were required to produce a short film using either Time Lapse or Stop Motion techniques.

Student Krystelle Dumesny produced a Stop Motion video and wrote the following about her experience:
'We arrived at the studio in the morning, props in hand, keen to get our stop motions started, as we were all unsure about how long it would take. In simple terms, a stop motion video is an animation technique comprised of hundreds of photographic stills that are put together post-production to create a work that appears as though an object is moving on its own. Think... Wallace and Gromit, though only one of us was working with plasticine. We were guided by our tutor, Nic Kocher, whose job on the day was mostly to keep us calm when our patience gave out, due to unruly props or studio lights, as well as the tediousness of moving an object 5mm and take a photo over and over and over again. He was gracious and trusting enough to let us light things on fire, throw tomato sauce around, melt lollies onto the studio's white perspex, smoke cigarettes and play toy soldiers. Sound like an unruly kindergarten class? Lets just hope Les doesn't read this... But it was all for the good of art! In the end we will have produced a 30 second animation that we can submit for our moving image class.'




Check out PSC's Youtube Channel for more flicks.