PSC Blog

Yuan Wang talks about his experience as an ACMP Projections Finialist

Written by Melina | 21 September 2011 3:32:13 AM

Yuan Wang a second year PSC student was one of the finialists in the Art Category in this years ACMP Projections.

Yuan decided to enter to the 2011 Projections while he was on his break during class, and he saw the details on the competitions board in the PSC Student Lounge.

When asked how he decided which images to enter Yuan said

"I tend to conceptualise and plan my images long before the shoot, and I would reshoot if the images were not satisfactory. This meant I only had 10 final images and I simply culled two of them which I didn't like as well as the rest. I always work towards the goal of having a cohesive series of consistent quality".

Yuan found out that he was a finialist "from an email before going to bed and could hardly sleep. It was awesome! All the long hours of reshooting and post-production had been worth it. For every finalist selected, there’s another equally deserving photographer who did not make the cut. So I’m lucky too".

Yuan said he would "Absolutely" enter the projections again and encourages all students from all year levels to give it a go!

Yuan says that after this years experience he thinks he has "a better understanding of the quality of work I need to produce to get into the finals so I will definitely try my best for next year".

Congratulations again to Yuan and we wish him well in future competitions!

To see more of Yuan's images please go to