PSC Blog

PSC Graduate Lenny Seberry talks about his new documentry

Written by Melina | 6 December 2011 2:05:45 AM

Lenny graduated PSC  in 2007 and specialised in Photojournalim. He was born in Dublin but has been living in Australia for almost 10 years  and has been working as a freelance photographer for 7 years.

Here Lenny tells us how his passion for photography and story telling led to his new project  ‘One Shot, The Story of MC Wheels’.

Having been a motor mechanic back in Ireland and then traveling around the world and supporting myself working in the hospitality industry I felt I wasn’t achieving anything with my life and wanted to do something different.

I had an interest in photography for years but never had the guts to do anything about it. It wasn't until my first image appeared in the developing tray I was hooked. I knew then what I wanted to do with my life.    

I enrolled in the full-time course at PSC in February 2005 and after 3years I graduated with an Advanced Diploma of Photography. During my time at PSC we took part in the PIC (Photography in the Community) Project and that really opened my eyes to people less fortunate than myself. It gave me the confidence to be able to approach people and not be afraid to find out their stories, as everyone has a story to tell. My times at PSC were probably the most rewarding 3 years of my life.

I majored in Photojournalism because I wanted to tell stories with my images. During my third year of study I went back to Europe for a month and completed, The Camino De Santiago, which is a 160km pilgrim walk I did with my Mum. I photographed and documented our journey and created a coffee book style photo book.

I completed my Advanced Diploma and then had the opportunity to study at RMIT University, Melbourne for 1 extra year to receive a distinction in the Bachelor of Arts Degree.

In my last year at RMIT I decided I wanted to photograph a story involving the under privileged and homeless in Melbourne somewhere. I volunteered my time for a year at a soup kitchen program called, Sunday Suppers, in Albert Park, Melbourne.

There I met some of the most remarkable people I think I will ever meet in my life- time. It took almost 5 months to gain their trust before I could even consider taking out my camera. But the wait was worth it as the end results are amazing and books of my images are available online


My love of filming I think has come about as a natural progression of my photography and my want to tell stories. Which is why I got involved as a stills photographer on the feature film called  ‘Mind Fire’ which was made on the Sunshine Coast in 2009.

The confidence and the contacts I made from working on 'Mind Fire' inspired me, and my friend and business partner Roger Kitson, to follow a career as documentary makers and set up Live Life Productions.

Which brings us to our documentary ‘One Shot, The Story of MC Wheels’ that we are making on disabled rapper Nathan Tessmann aka MC Wheels.

Nathan has a story to tell, a story about the will to succeed, and the drive to achieve something with your life. I believe this documentary will inspire not just disabled people but people everywhere to follow their dreams and not to be afraid to give it a go. 

Nathan teaches me something new every time I meet him.  It’s the little things that I/we take for granted everyday that are the hardest if not impossible for Nathan to do. We hope that this documentary will help support Nathan and his family, raise awareness and help others in similar circumstances.

We only get One Chance at this journey called life and Nathan has only One Shot to achieve his dreams.

We want to pose the question to everyone. What is your dream, and have you taken your One Shot?

For further information on ‘One Shot, The Story of MC Wheels’ please see Live Life Productions website

Nathan also has his own website which showcases his music and more of his story Link Family Sunshine Coast are proud supporters of Nathan- find out more