PSC Blog

PSC Weekly Wrap

Written by Peter | 1 March 2012 11:06:16 PM

STUDENT: Taylor-Ferne Morris 3rd year full time commercial
ASSIGNMENT: 2nd year, semester 2 folio
STUDENT COMMENT: This image has come from my 2nd semester folio in 2nd year. It is one of 18 images exploring Shakespeare’s play “A Mid Summer Nights Dream” as a philosophical plot, exploring “the course of true love never did run smooth” within a high-end fashion spread.
I wanted to explore the tale through the 21st century’s morals and beliefs by weaving my own modern day twist throughout it. I wanted the images to have an ethereal type feel to them as though they are not real, kind of dream like. Going into my final year at PSC I have found that my love for fashion/beauty photography lies within the idealistic, exciting, flamboyant, fantasy of it all.