PSC Blog

'40 Quotes For 40 Years'

Written by Peter | 5 March 2012 11:05:21 PM

This Year PSC celebrates 40 years of photographic education

To kick off the celebrations we’re offering you the opportunity to get involved in a fabulous creative photographic project.

’40 quotes for 40 years’

Each week over the next 40 weeks you will receive a quote from us via SMS. Take a picture in response to the quote… your visual interpretation…your vision. Use any device – iPhones, iPads, camera – whatever works for you.

Be intuitive, be bold, think outside the square and have fun!!

Submit your images to

This project is open to all the PSC community. Get to see everyone’s responses and see the project build week by week.
So, go for it…respond once, twice or 40 times…it’s up to you!

First quote coming to your phone on 8 March