PSC Blog

PSC Graduate Sarah Lynch features in 'Australian Animal Studies Group (AASG) News Bulletin'

Written by Melina | 19 March 2012 6:55:34 AM

PSC Photojournalism Graduate Sarah Lynch was published in the March 2012 edition of the Australian Animal Studies Group(AASG) News Bulletin

Untitled. From the We Are Animals series

Untitled is part of the series We are Animals. The work was created to invite viewers of the workto explore the positions and roles in which animals are placed in for human uses andconsumption. The work prompts viewers to question that if the roles were reversed and humanswere placed in these positions, would it be acceptable? Would we turn a blind eye to the sufferingof sentient beings used for labour and food if the suffering came at a cost to humans?

The series was intended to question our moral limitations around animals and allow the viewer to consider that humans are not too different from animals . . .

“Life is life – whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man.

The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage.” Sri Aurobindo

Click here for more about Sarah’s work and other photos in the series