PSC Blog

PSC Weekly Wrap

Written by Peter | 13 April 2012 12:09:35 AM

STUDENT: Jordan Bollen, 3rd Year FT Fine Art Major
ASSIGNMENT: 2nd Year, 2nd Semester Major Project
STUDENT COMMENT: For my final folio of second year I decided to try and improve my conceptual development, I wanted to start with a concept or idea based on personal experience and let the images flow from there. The result is a series of images called "The City", of which this image is a part.

The intention of this series was to communicate what it was like for me as a child moving from a small town in rural Victoria to a much bigger city and eventually spending time in Melbourne studying. For me as a child coming from such a small town and spending time in a place like Melbourne was, in a way, quite a culture shock. I wanted to document the city as I saw it, a huge, strange, intimidating place. I wanted this particular photograph to capture and express the sense of alienation that I felt.

Creating this series was a rewarding process, it was great to spend the semester working my way through a concept and coming out the other side with some fresh new images and some positive feedback on my work.