PSC Blog

Student Focus: Adam Kemp- First Year Advanced Diploma

Written by Melina | 17 April 2013 12:45:59 AM

Name: Adam Kemp
Originally from: Phillip Island 
School: Newhaven College
Current year level at PSC: Level 1 (first year)

When did you get into photography? 
When I was 15. We were required to learn a new skill for a year 9 project. I borrowed my Dads 35mm SLR and really enjoyed playing around with it. I got a digital SLR that Christmas and was hooked from then on. 
How did you come across PSC? 
A student in the year above me at my high school, Rene Mitchell-Pitman (now a PSC final year Commercial student) told me about it, and his plans to attend. I came to the open day when I was in year 12 and the college seemed like a cool place to study.

What did you expect? 
I didn't have too many preconceived ideas, but I like the students are all down to earth.

What have you enjoyed the most at PSC? 
I really enjoy the passion that the teachers emit. It’s contagious and I think the supportive environment that PSC maintains is the most valuable part of being a student here. 

How do you mange you time at PSC, work, friends etc? 
I took a gap year in Canada after year 12 and it has been somewhat difficult to transition back into structured student life, or structured life in general. 

What’s your dream job? 
Anything where I can travel. Perhaps a photojournalist working for VICE magazine or running my own travel blog and hopping around the world.

Where do you think you’ll be in ten years from now?
Not sure yet- I don't like to plan that far ahead, it ruins the surprise.

What advice do you have for future students? 
Establish a solid file management structure for the mountains of photos you will take and be organised in general.