PSC Blog

'Photographer provides special mementoes to help grieving families'

Written by Melina | 9 April 2014 3:00:31 AM

Photographer and PSC teacher Jane Poynter was featured in The Age on the weekend, sharing about her work at the Royal Women's Hospital. Jane take pictures of babies who have passed away at the hospital, providing precious keepsakes for parents.

'The creamy woollen beanie is as big as an eggshell.
If you held up three fingers it would just stretch over their tips.

Laid alongside it in a cupboard are tiny clothes, pearl-pink blankets, booties and bassinet sheets, meticulously crafted by volunteers for the Royal Women's Hospital.

Photographer Jane Poynter selects blankets, felt dolls and a plush teddy and arranges them inside a frothy bassinet, which stands in the centre of this nondescript room deep inside the hospital. She often uses a macro lens to capture her diminutive subjects: it shows their sequin-sized nails, the wisps of their hair, the whorls of their ears.'

Visit The Age website for the full article by Miki Perkins.

Image by Jason South - The Age