PSC Blog

International photographer Harvey Benge visits PSC

Written by Melina | 26 May 2014 3:34:00 AM

Stopping in en route to the HeadOn festival in Sydney – Harvey Benge made a special appearance at PSC late last week.

Harvey is an internationally renowned photographer and photo book artist who works between Auckland and Paris.

Students, staff and visitors were treated to an inspirational night at PSC listening to Harvey talk about his fascination with the urban and human landscape where: ”nothing is as it seems”.  He urged all present to follow their passion and to always turn up: “Photography is 90% about turning up”, he says.

Harvey also shared his checklist of 15 things to consider when evaluating photographs and the system he’s developed to separate images into those that work and those that don't.

He also provided insights into his extensive and highly acclaimed career with examples and stories related to his many publications, exhibitions, workshops and awards.

Entertaining, enlightening and passionate – Harvey’s visit was an inspiration to all who attended, and we are enormously grateful to Harvey for taking the time to divert his journey to make such a special visit. Thanks also go to PSC’s Daniel Boetker-Smith for arranging it all for us.

Check out more about Harvey at: and read about his experience at PSC on his blog.