PSC Blog

Feature Friday 14th July; Natalie Renee Vicari

Written by Social Media | 14 July 2017 3:56:22 AM
Today, July 14th, we are featuring second year bachelor student Natalie Renee Vicari.
Natalie Vicari
What got you started in photography?
I had always really liked photography over other artistic mediums, but I didn't get started photographing until I was 18 and got given my cousin's old camera for my 18th.
When you started at PSC, did you have an idea of the kind of photographer you want to become?
I had a pretty broad idea of what kind of photography I wanted to do: mostly commercial-based stuff, like working for magazines. But after having many guest speakers in our first year, documentary photography, more specifically war journalism or political protests documentation has sparked an interest in me too.
What is the most beneficial thing you have learned up to this point?
Honestly, learning how to actually use my camera properly. Since my third week back in first year at PSC, I've been using manual mode and have never touched the preset modes on my camera. The difference is astronomical. On a more serious note, I also learned that art is quite subjective and forgiving, as anything can be turned into an art project now if you can explain yourself eloquently and put in the effort.
What has been your most challenging moment at PSC so far?
Getting a grasp on the digital and editing aspect of photography and understanding what the different functions in Lightroom can do to an image, and pretty much everything I have learned in Photoshop.
What has been your most rewarding moment at PSC so far?
This year having the freedom to do a folio on any topic I choose, and having that creative freedom now, as opposed to last year, when I have a much better understanding of the medium and the ways in which I can manipulate it to speak my language.
How has your style developed? What have you noticed is different? Your aesthetic? Way of thinking? Approach?
I now try to think of multiple ways to visually portray what I want to say, and attempt all of those ways instead of just picking the most obvious, or the easiest of the options. I also feel as though I am a lot more methodical in my shooting: I always have a brainstorm for each shoot I do, and a clear idea, and most of the time, the steps I need to take to get to the end product.
So far, what body of work have you been most proud of?
I'm really proud of my first proper attempt at studio shots, particularly my studio portraits. Getting to work in the studio this year has really solidified my passion to pursue a photographic career in studio.
Natalie Vicari
What are you working on at the moment?
I am currently working on my folio, which is a series of 15 significant moments in my life, beginning at my parent's separation, documenting my battle with depression and suicidal tendencies, to now being well into recovery and actually enjoying my life.
What do you do when you’re not taking photos?
Most of the time, I'm on YouTube watching a range of different videos: everything from gaming, to baking and cooking, to compilations of funny X Factor auditions. I think I would like to one day take a swing at making YouTube videos, but for now I'm sticking to photography.
Where do you find your motivation?
It's probably not the best source, but more often than not my motivation comes from looming deadlines. Sometimes knowing that the due date is closer makes your brain actually kick into gear to think of ideas and to execute them.
Who/what inspires you?
YouTube, music, movies and television are probably the most broad source of inspiration for me, but also a lot of the new artists I get introduced to through my classes at PSC are also incredibly eye-opening.
What is your dream job/shoot?
I would like to one day do a shoot with Victoria's Secret, either at one of their fashion shows, or for one of their campaigns, with the VS Angels. I would also like to be the photographer on tour with one of my favourite musicians at some point in my career. Fingers crossed at least one of those come true!
Natalie Vicari