PSC Blog

Raquel Betiz Presents 'Spot' at Testing Grounds

Written by Social Media | 8 January 2016 1:56:12 PM

Raquel Betiz, our 3rd year Bachelor of Photography student, who just finished her studies at PSC a few weeks ago is showcasing her portfolio series ‘Spot’ at Testing Grounds on January 15, 2016 (1-23 City road, Southbank). This opportunity came about after Raquel responded to an open-call for artists to exhibit their work in this relatively new art space, known for giving creative professionals a platform to test their ideas. Raquel has decided to experiment with the size of her photographs, testing the themes of space with audiences who are attending this innovative event.

From Raquel's series, 'Spot'.

We had featured Raquel last year when she was chosen as a finalist by the Ballarat International Foto Biennale . Her work was featured in their 2016 calendar for October, which you can order online. Look back into Raquel's journey here.

The interesting thing to note is that Raquel has booked her exhibition at Testing Grounds before she has even graduated. This highlights the fact that PSC students are given real-world industry exposure and an in-depth career focus to help them secure professional projects on the go.

Raquel emphasises the importance of being prudent with your work as a photography student who's about to graduate:

‘Keep creating work for your portfolio. Exhibit your photography whenever and wherever you get the chance - even if it’s at a non-commercial space or through an artists’ residency. This will keep your motivation going. If you’re complacent about your work  your drive to create will disappear.’

Taking this advice from Raquel will serve you well, as she’s on her way to building a strong network with esteemed photographers in the field.  Thanks to the mentor program at PSC, she has a great starting point and will keep her schedule extremely busy in the coming weeks.

You can see more of Raquel's work on her website. Find out more about studying at PSC and feel free to contact us.