PSC Blog

Monday Feature: Rochelle Hansen

Written by Social Media | 6 March 2017 1:15:12 AM

Completing the bachelor course last year, Rochelle Hansen is set to graduate this May from PSC.

Based in Melbourne as a documentary photographer, much of Rochelle's work explores our relationship with nature as she pushes to blur the line between art and documentary photography. Through stillness and a kind of sedative process, Rochelle intends to capture the collision between humankind and the natural world. Using photographs as a token of absence and a way of reconnecting the lost and forgotten relationship once shared with Earth and it's inhabitants.


By combining strength and movement, horses have the ability to effortlessly floor across the arena in a kind of poetic dance- that sees human and horse uniting on the stage, engaged in an intimate communication barely visible to an audience. 
‘Two’ Documents the relationship built between human and horse within the training process. I have worked with trainers who utilise positive training techniques and focus on creating partnerships built on trust and respect.


Rochelle's work is a part of the 'Elements' exhibition at the Queen Victoria Women's Centre at 210 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne





Rochelle Hansen, 'Two'