PSC Blog

2017 Graduate Feature; Jarred Mullenger

Written by Social Media | 8 May 2017 4:05:45 AM

Today we are featuring graduating art photographer Jarred Mullenger, Jarred is our second 2017 graduate to be featured in Son Of A Gun Magazine. We caught up with Jarred to find out more about his connection to photography and his graduating folio "It's 11am And I'm Still In My Dressing Gown".

Jarred Mullenger, 'It's 11am And I'm Still In My Dressing Gown', 2016

What attracted you to photography?
Well I was always a creative person growing up. Anything creative that used imagination and was out of the ordinary I was drawn to. I started off sketching. While everyone else was outside playing at lunchtime, I was in the art room having drawing lessons. It was my time to escape the routines of school and let my imagination run free. Moving forward a handful of years, I discovered the film camera and the darkroom; then my lunchtimes continued to be spent inside developing film and experimenting in the darkroom, so that's where the interest in photography started.


Did you have an idea when you first started at PSC of the kind of photographer  you wanted to become?
I envisioned becoming the complete opposite to what I am today. I always imagined being a fashion photographer for magazines and runway and then slowly moving into being a designer.


What is the most beneficial thing you have learned?
Accepting uniqueness and allowing time to grow.


Jarred Mullenger, 'It's 11am And I'm Still In My Dressing Gown', 2016



What was your most challenging moment at PSC?
Overcoming self doubt, growing a voice and being confident in my own unique practice.


What was your most rewarding moment at PSC?
Making a strong group of friends that all share the same interest, teachers included! My confidence in my practice and also myself has grown a lot, as well as having a strong final series that I'm proud of.



How has your style developed?
My style has developed immensely and will always continue to do so. Through years of experimenting and questioning everything you're doing and through trial and error your style will change naturally.


Jarred Mullenger, 'It's 11am And I'm Still In My Dressing Gown', 2016



What was your graduating folio about? How did you arrive at this idea?
The work I presented for the final folio focussed on the family dynamics in my house and interprets my view on the family aura in my household, looking at the changes that have occurred over time. I focussed on the strong female presence in the house following the separation of my parents and the repercussions it's had on myself. Through this project I have begun to accept the disconnect that has established over time and now looking into the future for what lies ahead outside of the four walls I call home.

Unconsciously all my previous work had been very personal or a reflection of myself without me intentionally doing so, so I wanted to flip that around and see what would happen if I made work that is a self reflection of myself and go from there.



What are you working on at the moment?
I'm continuing with my final folio work which has the potential for me to work on for am lifetime, so who knows.


Jarred Mullenger, 'It's 11am And I'm Still In My Dressing Gown', 2016


What advice would you give to current students?
You only get out as much as you put in!


What do you do when you're not taking photos?
When my mind is not on photography, it's either on fashion, family and friends, or being with nature.


Where do you find your motivation?
Motivation comes from a lot of things; everyday mundane activities can cause me to get a possible image in my end which I create into a digital image over time. Seeing other people succeed helps me stay motivated to achieve at the same level.


Who/what inspires you?
Friends and the family, the changes in our environment and other more established photographers.


What is your dream job/shoot?
Being a renowned artist exhibiting unique and personal work at a high standard in galleries locally and also internationally.



Follow Jarred and his ongoing work on his Instagram



Jarred Mullenger, 'It's 11am And I'm Still In My Dressing Gown', 2016