PSC Blog

Taylor-Ferne Morris- a photography career growing in leaps & bounds!

Written by Social Media | 27 July 2018 4:33:50 AM

Who said "there’s no careers in photography?"

PSC graduate, Taylor-Ferne Morris has paved her way into an exciting, niche career as a dance photographer. Combining her two passions for photography and dance has propelled her into becoming a sought after photographer both locally and internationally. We recently caught up with Taylor who has been super busy photographing for the Australian Ballet, in The Studio @ PSC. Between shoots we asked her to share with us her days at PSC and her career highlights!

What got you started in photography?

I began my journey in photography when I was following another life path of classical ballet at The Australian Ballet School (ABS). When I was in my final year I unfortunately injured my hip and could no longer dance. Along with this I received a camera for my 18th birthday and fell in love with taking photos in my spare time, this meant when I was in class unable to dance, I would bring my camera in and take photos of my friends as they danced. This was the moment I fell in love with photography.

What did your parents think about you studying photography?

My parents were always extremely supportive throughout my pursuit of ballet, as they always wanted me to follow my dreams, so when my dreams changed, it was natural for them to once again support me in photography. Growing up I was surrounded by art as my dad was a musician and we always loved anything that involved creativity, so they were more than happy for me to go into a career in the arts.

When you started at PSC, did you know what kind of photographer you wanted to be?

When I first started at PSC I initially wanted to pursue photojournalism, but quickly realised that wasn't for me and that Commercial Photography was where my heart lay.  

What was your most rewarding moment at PSC?

My final folio was something I was extremely proud of, as so much time and effort was put into it throughout my planning, development and presentation. Another highlight was winning the Excellence in Commercial Major at graduation, all my hard work had paid off!

What was your favourite subject at PSC?

Studio, I loved learning to control and craft the light, in fact I enjoyed all aspects of the Commercial Major.

How did you find the business subject?

It was very helpful as we were taught to create a business plan, set up a website, register a business name, set up an ABN, learn to quote and invoice etc. It gave me confidence to start my own business.

What was your first career break?

I spent 3 months in New York after graduating from PSC in 2013, that was when I realised I had a point of difference in my career and that was my dance background. My breakthrough moment was when I decided to put myself out there and contacted the editor of Point and Dance magazine (the dance worlds version of Vogue). They asked me to come in for a meeting and I have been photographing for them ever since.

What are you working on at the moment?

I am currently working with the Australian Ballet and recently photographed for their productions of VERVE and Cinderella as well as their 2019 campaign.

What would you say to the younger you when you first came to study?

It’s ok not to know what you are doing and to ask lots of questions!

Make sure to check out more of Taylors work on her website and instagram @taylorfernemorris_photography

We are excited to have Taylor as one of our guest panel speakers at our Open Day for a special Q&A. Our Tutors, other Alumni, Industry and Students will bust the myth that "there are no jobs in photography!" 

Open Day | Sunday 5 August | 10am-4pm

Learn all about our courses | Tour our creative campus | Experience a live shoot in the studio | Meet and mingle with current students, tutors & staff | Find out how easy it is to apply.