Photography Studies College, 37-47 Thistlethwaite Street, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205 Australia +61 (03) 9682 3191
Photography Studies College, 37-47 Thistlethwaite Street, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205 Australia +61 (03) 9682 3191
Final year student Sarah Walker to be published in ‘A place both wonderful and strange’ by Fuego Books
Final year student Sarah Walker to be published in ‘A place both wonderful and strange’ by Fuego Books
PSC pals - A new student mentor program for 2017 - Featuring Antoine Loncle
Students selected as finalists for the National Photographic Portrait Prize for 2017
PSC End of Year Exhibition Still Open!
Teacher Hoda Afshar Featured by Der Greif
Exhibition Follow Up
PSC End of Year Exhibition - Feature Day Six
PSC End of Year Exhibition - Feature Day Five
Always Already Exhibition Follow Up
PSC End of Year Exhibition - Feature Day Four