Photography Studies College, 37-47 Thistlethwaite Street, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205 Australia +61 (03) 9682 3191
Photography Studies College, 37-47 Thistlethwaite Street, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205 Australia +61 (03) 9682 3191
PSC pals - A new student mentor program for 2017 - Featuring Josh De Felice
PSC pals - A new student mentor program for 2017 - Featuring Josh De Felice
Apply now to study at PSC in 2017!
Culture of Persia - Discover Iran 2017
PSC pals - A new student mentor program for 2017 - Featuring Charlotte Vignau
PSC teacher Katrin Koenning featured in Heavy Volume II
PSC pals - A new student mentor program for 2017 - Featuring Sally Kaack
Apply now to study at PSC in 2017!
PSC Teacher Julie Wajs - Exhibition & book launch next week!
PSC Graduate Jordan Madge Exhibition at CCP opening Friday night
Graduate Feature - Michael Foxington