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  • Lucie McGough talks about being first year Bachelor student at PSC
Melina 04/08/2013 News
1 Minutes

Name: Lucie McGough
Originally from: Melbourne
School: Sacred Heart College
Current year level at PSC: Tier 1, Bachelor of Photography (first year)

Image by Patrick O'Neil

When did you get into photography?
I have always been fascinated by photography. When I started traveling I realized I wanted better pictures- ones that really captured a place or told a story. I needed more creative control over my camera and the urge to keep shooting and learn more has never gone away!

How did you come across PSC?
I knew about the college through a former student and when I looked into it further it seemed like a great school to go to.

What did you expect?
To be inspired and to be exposed to new concepts, possibilities and opportunities and I certainly have been!

What have you enjoyed the most at PSC so far?
Meeting my classmates! Meeting people who have similar interests, having people to share ideas with. Also the teachers are really inspiring.

How do you mange you time at PSC, work, friends etc?
It’s not easy, but I am very organized. I try to stick to a weekly routine, so I always know what’s ahead and how much time I have for everything. PSC classes are Monday to Thursday and although some days set classes are only 3 hours, I try to make a whole day of it. I’ll stay at PSC after class researching or go out and practice shooting. I work as little as possible, only on weekends so I can keep study and work separate. I give myself Sundays off to do whatever and prepare for the week again. As for socializing- events and catch ups with friends are always coming up so I just try and fit it in with my schedule, it’s like a jigsaw!

What’s your dream job?
One that involves travel, people and photography

Where do you think you’ll be in ten years from now?
I think it’s way to early to imagine that! I’m still learning about what I’m good at and what I’m into. At the moment I really love photojournalism but who knows? Maybe in 10 years I’ll be really into something else.

What advice do you have for future students?
Realize what inspires you and collect images, movies, music and artwork that speaks to you in some way, make a journal and write down what you love. Look at lots of other photographers and think about why you like their work. And don’t be afraid to work hard and think for yourself!

Image by Lucie McGough



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