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  • PSC's Advanced Diploma Student's Class Folio Shortlisted to Feature on New York Billboard

Congratulations to PSC's Part-Time Advanced Diploma of Photography final year student Steve Womersley for having his work shortlisted to be in the running for the Global Billboard ProjectThe winning photographers will have their images on billboards on New York's 9th Avenue later this year!

The Global Billboard Project aims to beautify city skylines one billboard at a time by offering photographers from all around the world the opportunity to be selected to display their winning photo on a Manhattan billboard for five days each.


© Steve Womersley, PSC's Part-Time Advanced Diploma student

How do you feel about being selected to be in the running for the Global Billboard Project?

I’m really thrilled to be considered for this project. When I read about the competition, I immediately thought about one of my two second year folios. There was something about the images that made me think they’d work as a billboard, especially in New York. In part because they’re so 'not' New York. But also because they’re fairly simple images.

To see one of them looming over 9th Avenue in Manhattan would be incredibly satisfying. I remember that when it came to printing the folio, [PSC's Part-Time Advanced Diploma of Photography lecturer] Neil Stanyer said I should go big. I agreed, but I don’t think either of us was thinking this big!


Tell us about the PSC assignment/series from which your images are taken from?

This series evolved as way to explore how men and women of a similar age often share the space in the frame, with the photographer consciously or unconsciously providing clues about the nature of their relationship. I wanted to deny the viewer any easy understanding of the relationship between my subjects. I wanted the images to be a bit unsettling. Some of the subjects are in a relationship and some are simply friends. The point of the exercise isn’t to identify which is which, but to ask why the images unsettle us, why we feel compelled to clarify the nature of the subjects’ relationship.



© Steve Womersley, PSC's Part-Time Advanced Diploma student

What genre of photography interests you the most?

When I started the Advanced Diploma  in 2018, I imagined that I’d follow the photojournalism stream. However, as time has gone on, the immersive nature of study at PSC has encouraged me to think more broadly about where I might fit in photographically. This is sometimes a frustrating process, but always fascinating. I’m still trying to figure it out. What is clear, however, is that l owe the PSC staff and my fellow students a huge debt for their inspiration and encouragement.

I was thinking recently about my early interest in photography and remembered poring over a book of photos from LIFE magazine when I was a kid. Later I was inspired by a photobook by William Yang. Since starting at PSC my list of inspirations have blossomed, as has my appreciation for the range of photographic practices. It’s such a rich field, with so many possibilities.

Tell us about your current work?

I’m picking up a bit of freelance photojournalism here and there, which is great. And I’m working on a photo essay about an 83-year-old volunteer firefighter who is about to hang up his helmet after 68 years. But I’ve also scored a few commercial jobs lately that have been a lot of fun. Once I’ve graduated, I still plan to explore the creative possibilities of photojournalism, but I’m keen to complement that practice with commercial work in a way I never would have envisaged three years ago.

The winning entries will be selected by Feature Shoot’s founder and Managing Editor, Alison Zavos. In the meantime, please like Steve's image via the blog post on the Global Billboard Project website by clicking the heart here.











Steve Womersley, Self-Portrait


Learn More About PSC's Part-Time Mid-Year Courses