There was a great energy and sense of community throughout the day as our PSC pals and staff shared all the reasons they love being part of our unique College here at PSC!
Our second panel, 'Part time courses for photography enthusiasts, was led by Jessica Ledwich, Mark Harper and George Poulakis, exploring in detail our part time courses, such as our Creative Photography Certificate, Pro Photography Certificate, and accredited Advanced Diploma of Photography. These courses provide students with the flexibility to study either during the day or evenings, on campus or via Zoom. Our guests were taken on the journey starting from the commencement of their studies, learning how to shoot manually and explore composition, to using studio lighting, printing and exhibiting.
''I have been very fortunate to make many friends ... small class sizes really lend to getting to know everyone and PSC being a specialized school where everyone studies the same subject (photography) you’re automatically surrounded by likeminded, creative individuals who become both friends and creative inspiration. Apart from fellow classmates, PSC has extremely supportive and talented staff who work very hard to facilitate our learning and engage us in thought and conversation on the topic of photography. The community at PSC is more like family, which I as an international student, am tremendously grateful for."
- First Year Bachelor of Photography Student, Keirsten Cunningham.
Nathan Larkin presented an overview of the Printshop@PSC and the services it provides. Nathan discussed the importance of preparing an image to print, as well as paper types, and choosing the size of an image.
The PSC Studio@PSC has always been popular with our Open Day tours. With 300 square metres, our purpose-built studio is home to our 5m x 6m cyclorama, and top of the range equipment, such as Broncolor, Elinchrom, and Profoto lighting equipment and accessories. PSC students are so lucky to have these resources so easily accessible to them.

Book a tour today and discuss with our Course Advisors the right course for you!